Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quotation on Terrorism

Enemies of humanity are tarnishing the whole concept of human values and principles for the sake of idiosyncracies in the name of wronlgy formulated laws,that are ruling the minds of those who themselves are capable of formulating them। This is sheer inhuman to be a watchdog of brutality scathering to the innocent souls।Religion never teaches to betray our own people।Still enemies of humanity are killing their own people in the name of religion.


Unknown said...

If we think from the point of view of this world it´s true terrorism is destroying any concept of humanity with their behavior in name of religion. religion for them it´s just an excuse for a deeper reality which is power and money. no war occurring now days it´s for any other purpouse of money and power. the war in israel it´s the water supply war,and think water it´s economy as it´s harvest. the war in afghanistan it´s the war of getting the petrol barrel up to a price ever reached. the war of irak it´s easyly seen as the war of petrol supply control, and it happened just after sadam husein agreed with germany and france to get paid with euros instead of dolars. the war in colombia it´s the war of cocaine supply and petrol. most of those wars happening in africa are the result of the bad define new frontieres that were once been old african nations divided by british interest,as it happened in irak iran and nowadays this families behaving as the old western propietors wih their 19th century policies whhile themselves live in western style!!! the terrorism war it´s the war of the sons of the main fortunes of third world countries for the power, as most of presidents were educated in western countries and now back to their respectives countries they want their own people to keep living in their old and unusefull traditions and unacceptable human laws for this new world we are creating. religion it´s an excuse to manipulate no learned people against the learned ones but nothing happens for nothing so finally they´re just cheating themselves as this new and more than ever educated populations has the abilty to see their real intentions as never before in history, so finally they won´t win this war as more and more countries has learnt that peace and love gives us much more money than wars and hate.

Betuke Khyal said...

I agree with your views Sara. But the fact is that terrorism was always there. I mean what USA did in Vietnam was no less than international terrorism. But then the US hegemony is a reality. Actually, just that this phase has witnessed growth of some extra-state actors (terrorists) who have inflicted some harm on the USA in recent times. And that is why we have terror taking centrestage now in any international discussion. But we must not shy away from challenging the notion created by powers-that-be. State-sponsored terrorism is a fact. We had Taliban in power in Afghanistan. But the less apparent backings of terrorism by various State agencies, esp in Pakistan can not and should not be ignored... I hope good sense prevails in our civilised human beings(?)