Death, a universal truth that holds many unrevealed truths inside, is the only reality in this kaleidoscopic corporeal world. But unfortunately, all through our life we keep running away from this reality behind mirage, following delusions in life that keep on misguiding us from the real purpose of our existence. We are living in a fool’s paradise with the misconception that we are making progress at each step but in real sense we remain dormant only the phases in life keep rolling.
Virtually, life originates from the same point where it ends, but we keep running away from ourselves, which is the true self.
It is human tendency to search for happiness and satisfaction outside and indulge in rigorous ritual for the fulfillment of never ending desires being ignorant to the fact that the best prayer is healing of a broken heart.
Unluckily, we tend to chase for materialistic things in pursuit of happiness and put the fact aside that the perfect bliss is the peace of mind. Inability to identify our true self is the actual cause behind Weltschmerz.
Most strangely we tend to search for the bliss all around and fail to attain it at a hair’s distance. That’s why, when god created this world and thought of hiding to a place where nobody could find him. The only place he decided to hide was the innermost part of human entity, as he knew the weakness of human behaviour. He knew howsoever is the sharpness of human mind but it’s the human tendency to look for the things outside, which is the reason why he is unable to identify the power of self, the only power, governing the existence of life. All through his life he remains ignorant from the real being.
But it’s only when he gets brush with death, realization factor comes into being. Then the whole concept of existence takes a new shape leading to many bitter realities and experiences followed by knowledge of self.
It’s irony of life that human beings become aware about the purpose of life and absolute bliss simply when he is left with few more moments of life to repent. He then repents for not reaching to his desired goal in life. The purpose for which he was granted human life remains unfulfilled leaving another round of rebirths, which he is supposed to go through as cited in revered Vedas.
It is believed that human life is the key to attain Moksha, which can only be achieved through meaningful works. It is also believed that this is the only blessed birth to reunite with god where passage for heaven is built with kind deeds and by overcoming passion that ultimately leads to spirituality. But letting this birth go simply by gratifying the pleasures of senses make human beings a failure in achieving the goal of human life. And the lost moments never come again leaving behind to regret.
So the best life is one that is guided by harmony in thoughts and actions. The one, which is devoted towards attainment of spiritual insights rather than materialistic goals. As it is very well cited in revered Bhagavad-Gita, “ That man is disciplined and happy who can prevail over the turmoil that springs from desire and anger.
Aim of our life should be search for truth. The practice of discerning truth comes from faith in God. We can attain real happiness only when we are game to sail our boat without a map to navigate our journey towards the unknown, which requires immense courage, and that courage comes from faith in God.
Looks like you've contemplated long and hard on this topic. Very in-depth with lots of originality. I am a fan allready. Never let anything or anyone keep you away from expressing your thoughts... I'll always be here to lend you a ear and listen to what you have to say.
love, Vishal
Concisely written after due reflection. Sums up the all too common human denial of the real purpose to this existence. Keep on contemplating. The subject, material and the depth of thought on this subject shows an innate desire to know reality. May that desire deepen. Thank you Sara.
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