Thursday, May 6, 2010

Striking the iron, when it's hot

Ups and downs are just the phases of life which keep rolling. Nothing is stagnant in this world. Everything changes for good or bad. So, if downspiral comes first do not despair that just means your up spiral is next to come.

It's better to have bad phase before the good one, as it helps to learn and to grow before your tryst with the good phase.

Sometimes on a crusade to a new destination, you make a deluge of attempts before arriving at the right place. That only makes you more familiar with the surrounding. In the same way, if hard phase comes first on the threshold of a new life that only helps you to understand the situation in a better way thus helping you to grow with the situation.

If everything turns to custard, if the best of your attempts fizzle out, do not despair that just means time is not right. So, wait for the right time to set the things right and everything will fall at the right place at the right time.

When the time was not favourable even lord Rama had to go on exile and when the right time came even stones started floating on the water surface.

So, a wise person always wait for the right time with patience and faith. Well said, it is the best to strike the iron, when it hot.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Great lessons of my life

Everyday, I look for something enriching that can feed my inquisitive mind.Absence of which leads my wondering mind to the aisles of chaotic world of thoughts sometimes. It's almost 5 am and I am still up with unshut eyes and a shut mind. Thinking why it happened, how it happened and feeling sad. But then my heart whispered something silently. So, I got up to listen to my heart carefully. Turned light on, took paper and pen and started writing the message straight from my heart, which said, 'We only need faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain. Instead of trying to get rid of your doubts, focus on paying attention to your mustard seed of faith.' Indeed a great message from Lord Jesus.

Listening to my heart has always been a source of my strength and writing as my best friend, bringing the best in me. Yet in the concoction of my life pattern, I neglected both of these. But as they say, true friends never leave you alone. Always geared up to sail you through hard water. And I am being the fortunate one got them back in my life too, to set the things right.

Thus reminding me that God is at work in my life too even amidst pain and suffering. So, I told to my shut mind, do not get disappointed if going getting rough, for that's when you are going to discover how strong you really are.

So, no matter how many negative thoughts cross the territory of your thinking reign, unless and until the last thought in your mind and in your heart is all positive, corresponding to the line which says, 'All is well, that ends well.' A great lesson that I learnt from my own experience.

It's almost 6 am and I am still feeding my inquisitive mind at the cost of depriving my body of a sound sleep. May be that is among one of those wakeful moments that is going to be the unforgettable moment of my life.

The other lessons that were there in store for me kept coming thereafter, enlightening my mind with uncharted avenues of intellectual dimensions. The other lesson in line was being about how important it is to stay honest to your thoughts, your speech and your actions, to put the things in the right perspective. Then nothing can stop you from dreaming beyond the realm of reservations and restrictions. And then the whole sky becomes your canvass to colour your destiny with unlimited colours of your own dreams and imaginations. Besides, I realised that unfavourable situation show you a mirror where you see your own reflection as beautiful or ugly depending on how you react to the situation and introduce your true self to you which otherwise remains to be a stranger whole of your life.

These were the lessons that life had for me to learn from untoward experiences of my own life. Just at the dawn of a new year as well as my new life. Indeed, the greatest gift from God.